
Donald Joseph Qualls better known as his stage title DJ Qualls was born in the United States. He is a producer, actor and model. After achieving fame through his role in Road Trip and The New Guy Hustle & Flow he has appeared in more than 20 feature films, like The Core. Also, he has been on more than 22 series, like Breaking Bad Supernatural and Scrubs. Qualls had been diagnosed as having Hodgkin's Lymphoma at age 14, and has battled it ever since. Within two years, the cancer has gone into Remission. Being treated at such a young age had an adverse effect on the body. It hindered his development. Because he was a child of poor circumstances, he was determined to be financially secure. I've lived so frugally and for so long, I'm able to have that financial security or my life feels uncontrollable for me he said in an interview. He reflects on his early years, and is driven by the desire to act against the bullying. Cruelty breaks my heart he says. DJ's ideal job is become a father on reel and in actual life. He does however admit that the directors rarely choose him for these kinds of jobs. Someday he would love to become a father in the future, when he could be able to devote much less time and energy to his profession and more time with his children.

D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls


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